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1THE BEST ? Empty THE BEST ? Thu May 12, 2011 7:05 am



Following on from spaders post in the cod4 section. For me and a few others w@w was the best , gameplay was great and imo the maps were the best mix of run and gun and sniping, plus youd rarely get campers with the way the maps were set. Any opinions?

2THE BEST ? Empty Re: THE BEST ? Thu May 12, 2011 12:27 pm


Admin USA
Admin USA

Still think CoD4 was better than W@W but I never had any issues with W@W even the MP40 wasn't bad!

I was a big fan of the Thompson and the Gewher! To this day I haven't played a CoD game that I absolutely hate but 4 was still my favorite...

3THE BEST ? Empty Re: THE BEST ? Thu May 12, 2011 8:15 pm


Private III

CoD 4 did change everything, and its never as good as i remember it when i go back on it. If i had to go back to a older CoD it would be W@W. Another thing that made W@W great was the people i was joining Smile

4THE BEST ? Empty Re: THE BEST ? Fri May 13, 2011 12:22 am



Ahhhh the good old days. WaW r b my 1st ever COD and was how I met all these UkHq girlies. me likey WaW more than any other COD.

5THE BEST ? Empty Re: THE BEST ? Fri May 13, 2011 12:32 am


Private II

Pony Luv > W@W

6THE BEST ? Empty Re: THE BEST ? Thu May 19, 2011 4:19 am


Private II

HaydnExport wrote:Following on from spaders post in the cod4 section. For me and a few others w@w was the best , gameplay was great and imo the maps were the best mix of run and gun and sniping, plus youd rarely get campers with the way the maps were set. Any opinions?

people camped on every map in hq , unles there was tanks then they'd be in them, which wrecks the run and gun sometimes , map were ok laye dout but not liek the cod4 one which were good for every game mode, as for the gameplay LAG , i would always try to snipe someone or shoot them and my gun double shoots then my bullet doesn't come out. as for the guns , everyone used jug mp40/type100 box magizine stead aim and just sprays juggernaught = noob , and bouncing betties , having a mine that has a explosive radius is way to overpowered plus of how small they wer just wrecked it and bomb squad didnt help much,

ps , i didnt put IMO cus this is fact mario mario mario

7THE BEST ? Empty Re: THE BEST ? Mon May 30, 2011 1:02 am


Admin USA
Admin USA

So I've gone back to W@W a few times in the past few days. Had a few games with H and Spader. All in all I don't have any real issue with the game.

Last night after a few drinks was playing with haytred on war and we actually ran into a clan, both of us had 70+ kills and our teammates couldn't do anything.

It was fucking hilarious how bad people are even when they are in a "clan"

8THE BEST ? Empty Re: THE BEST ? Mon May 30, 2011 6:14 am


Private II

3, 5, 7 killstreaks for everyone... Thats when COD was at its best.

9THE BEST ? Empty Re: THE BEST ? Mon May 30, 2011 1:47 pm



PachaTC wrote:3, 5, 7 killstreaks for everyone... Thats when COD was at its best.

this , im pissed but i agree 100%

10THE BEST ? Empty Re: THE BEST ? Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:10 pm


Private II

Yeah the 3,5,7 killstreak was better...
But CoD4 is still better than W@W imo.... Really didn't like W@W

11THE BEST ? Empty Re: THE BEST ? Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:00 am


Private II

PachaTC wrote:3, 5, 7 killstreaks for everyone... Thats when COD was at its best.

Waw is definately up there for the top cod spot. The campaign mode was great and there was nothing better than hearing that "ping" as you headshot someone fron the other side of the map with a carbinem
Good times apart from the 3 things that got on my wick:
MP40 jugged up sprayers
Horrible lag at times
But by a long way is when some little twat ends the game.

Thank god we have host migration now


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